AFT! Manual
Getting started
Getting help
How to run your own SyncJS scripts
Run scripts from within the web interface
Run scripts via REST API
Run scripts interactively from the command prompt
Run scripts interactively by double-clicking on them
Run scripts from the command-line (but via REST API)
Environment variables
The SyncJS language
System requirements
SyncJS language documentation
Error handling (ubiquitous)
SyncJS-specific types
Options (for ALL client objects)
Directory list item
Client objects and functions
AWS S3 client object
Azure Blob Storage client object
Google Cloud Storage client object
SFTP client object
FTP(E/S) client object
Client-object common methods
Close (disconnect)
ListDir (listing a directory)
ListDirR (recursive directory list)
ListFiles (search for files)
ListFilesR (recursive file search)
Stat (get object metadata)
MakeDir (create a directory)
RenDir (rename a directory)
DelDir (delete a directory)
DelTree (delete a directory tree)
Delete (delete a file)
Rename (rename/move a file)
Upload (upload files)
UploadR (recursive file upload)
UploadWithPath (skip paths)
UploadWithPathR (recursive + skip paths)
Download (download files)
DownloadR (recursive file download)
DownloadWithPath (skip paths)
DownloadWithPathR (recursive + skip paths)
Protocol-specific methods
SetMode (FtpsClient object)
Remote file-system watcher
RemoteWatcher object
WatchDir (watch a directory)
Events (to watch for)
Delay notifications
Inclusion/Exclusion filters
Start (begin watching)
Events (polling for)
Local file-system watcher
FsWatcher object
WatchDir (watch a directory)
Events (to watch for)
Delay notifications
Inclusion/Exclusion filters
Start (begin watching)
Events (polling for)
Local file-system functions
ListDir (list local directory)
ListDirR (recursive directory list)
CopyFile (copy local file)
MoveFile (move/rename local file)
DelFile (delete local file)
SecureErase (securely delete file)
MakeDir (create local directory)
DelDir (delete local directory)
DelTree (delete local dir tree)
ReadTextFile (read a text file)
Write text to file (2 ways)
Zip (create a zip archive)
FileType (identify file MIME-type)
Web (HTTP/HTTPS) functions
HttpCli configuration methods
HttpCli http/https verbs
HttpRes response object
AMQP message queue functions
AMQP client object properties
Connecting to an AMQP queue
Monitoring a queue
Processing incoming messages
Cloud and integration functions
Send to Slack (webhook)
Send SMS via Twilio
Email and communication functions
SendMailViaSMTP function
Process management
Run (execute a process)
RunAsync (async run a process)
Image processing functions
JPEGResample (resize a JPEG)
PNGResample (resize a PNG)
JPEGMetadata (extract EXIF)
PNGMetadata (extract PNG info)
Additional security functions
GeneratePGPKeys function
PGPEncryptFile function
PGPDecryptFile function
Miscellaneous functions
GetSecret function
Log (custom log line)
Detecting halt requests
Sleep (pause execution)
Extract file path
Extract file name
Extract file extension
Num-to-string (padded)
Unique IDs (UUID)
More (cool) stuff we put in SyncJS
How to “require” a Node.js module
The famous “underscore.js” library AFT! Manual
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